ESV Student Study Bible®, Artist Series Hardcover

Joshua Noom
Judge Comments
Imagery and packaging works together seamlessly. Amazing detailed illustrations with a clever use of foil.
Quality of execution was exceptional. The two foils worked together to create a seamless visual experience.
Classic look and complimenting font; visually appealing design, complimented by the green foil. I was drawn to this one the most.
Wonderfully intricate storytelling combines with an unexpected yet beautiful color palette to create a stunning visual feast.
The artwork alone is very interesting, but the green foil makes it extra special. It adds a dimension to the art, but also subdues it so it isn’t overwhelming to the whole package.
The illustration quality is very detailed and refined along with the use of the iridescent stamping on the windows is a great execution of processes.
Attractive, fun-to-study drawings are well-structured on a tactile package that makes this Bible giftable with broad appeal.
Beautiful and intricate foil work in different and unexpected colour caught my eye.
Sarah Sparks’ beautiful images of creation, fall, redemption and restoration are thoughtfully placed on the front and back covers.
The foil work on the ESV is really something special. I love how they used the flat with the shiny in tandem to highlight each vignette in a really impactful way.
This design has been clearly thought through in terms of the cover and finish. The green foil—which is a bold choice—is elegant and melds wonderfully with the green cover, highlighting the printed vignettes. The illustration clearly has been thought through, as it flows from one vignette to another with a lot of attention to detail given to each piece. This cover also shows a masterful skill of understanding the youthful audience it is trying to speak to.
Accomplished several tough things with this design…(1)Design for teens that isn’t cheesy in the Christian market. (2)Creating a piece of art that is both intricate and well thought out and is produced with only one foil and one Pantone plate. (3)Green on green without clashing? Applause hands. (4)Simple and well-designed type.
Literary Category