One Step Closer Bible NLT

Becca Barnett & Lauren Purtle
Other Credits
9781648706196: Gold, Leather Like | 9781648706202: Pink Watercolor | 9781648704390: Warm Gray Cloth-Over-Board
Judge Comments
Excellent execution incorporating current market trends while preserving the brand. Creative use of patterns and accents.
All the different styles of this book are so simple but very elegant and well crafted. Each version is unique and beautiful in its own way.
Simple smart design with premium finishes.
Was thoughtfully complete with the market in mind.
Liked the simplicity of the honeycomb print used with the different materials, thought this series of bibles would fit well to target market.
This Bible is primarily about the tactile experience—fresh, simple, and new, not taking any spotlight from the Bible itself. (hard return)
Literary Category