Running from Mercy

B&H Publishing Group
Jeff Miller, FaceOut
Other Credits
Art direction by Susan Browne, B&H Publishing. Imagery © shutterstock/Michael Vigliotti, HorenkO, Bipsun, and Love the wind; vectorstock/Solomnikov; iStock/najin. Print buyer Emily Ryan. Printed by Bethany Press.
Designer Comments
This cover project was presented with a unique challenge – to represent a well-known, outrageous, yet inspiring story of God’s mercy and grace. An illustrative approach seemed like the best plan of attack, yet the style and handling of the illustration needed to feel fresh. After doing lots of composition research and development, this cover really came together after being inspired by a particular illustration of a whale. It’s style felt friendly and approachable, yet there was a certain maturity that elevated the story. Representing Jonah was the last challenge to figure out. The typography was treated in an understated way, and a silhouette of Jonah naturally fit in not only as a typographic divider, but also in context and placement of being in the belly of the whale. That dual purpose felt perfect.
Judge Comments
The somewhat familiar depiction of the whale gets a new, elegant twist with Jonah as a hard silhouette also serving the dual purpose of a typographic divider. — RL
Literary Category