The Extraordinary Deaths of Mrs. Kip

Revell (Baker Publishing Group)
Laura Klynstra
Judge Comments
The collage look of this cover was executed well with the incorporation of the botanical illustrations to the type treatment on the torn paper for the title. Well done with the layering of design elements.
Wow! The newspaper clipping is ingenious and immediately draws us into the story. The colors are grabbing and help hint at the time-era of the book. So very intriguing. This design does its job with a stamp of excellence. (hard return) The vintage, flee market feel of the painting grabbed me, the warmth of it with the starkness of the Title itself intrigued and I think it would be picked up and turned over to find out more about Mrs Kip!
Well-executed newspaper clipping over a beautiful illustration. (hard return) Bright, crisp, and highly legible, the mix of elements offers an intriguing tell-me-more cover, drawing in potential readers. (hard return) Excellent concept and execution. Juxtaposition of newspaper ad against the ethereal floral and sky background makes it intriguing.
Literary Category